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1.中南大学 土木工程学院, 湖南 长沙, 410075;2.中国电力建设集团有限公司 中国水利水电 第八工程局有限公司科研设计院,湖南 长沙, 410004
关键词:  石灰石粉  屈服应力  运输时间  颗粒间作用力
Influence of Transport Time on Yield Stress of Cement-Ground Limestone Paste
HU Xiaoyan1, XIAO Jia1, HAN Kaidong1, ZHANG Zedi1, TIAN Chengyu2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2.Research and Design Institute of Sinohydro Engineering Bureau 8 Co., Ltd., Power Construction Corporation of China, Changsha 410004, China
By measuring the yield stress of cement-ground limestone pastes and calculating the interparticle forces of pastes under different transport time based on EDLVO theory, the mechanism of the change of yield stress of pastes under different transport time was studied. The results show that the yield stress decreases first and then increases with the increase of the total specific surface area. The yield stress of pastes increases with the increase of transport time. There is a good negative correlation between water film thickness of pastes and yield stress. At the same particle spacing, the van der Waals forces and A-B forces of pastes decreases with increasing content and fineness of ground limestone, while electrostatic force has no obvious change rule. Moreover, the variation of the total interparticle force with different cement-ground limestone pastes is small with the same particle spacing. The relationship between yield stress and total interparticle forces and average spacing under different transport time is established.
Key words:  ground limestone  yield stress  transport time  interparticle force