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上海交通大学 上海市公共建筑和基础设施数字化运维重点实验室,上海 200240
关键词:  氯氧镁水泥  柠檬酸  柠檬酸铵  水稳定性
Mechanism of Citric Acid and Ammonium Citrate Tribasic on Improving Water Stability of Magnesium Oxychloride Cement
GU Kang, CHEN Bing
Shanghai Key Laboratory for Digital Maintenance of Buildings and Infrastructure, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Magnesium oxychloride cement was prepared by the reaction between light-burned MgO and MgCl2·6H2O in presence of citric acid and ammonium citrate tribasic. Effects of citric acid and ammonium citrate tribasic on improving the water stability of magnesium oxychloride cement and its mechanism were studied. The results show that the citrate combines with MgOH+ to form a stable complex, hindering the precipitation of Mg(OH)2 and promoting the generation of 5Mg(OH)2·MgCl2·8H2O (5-1-8 phase), which improves the compressive strength and volume stability of magnesium oxychloride cement at all ages. The addition of citric acid and ammonium citrate tribasic induces none of new phase, but significantly enhances the water stability of magnesium oxychloride cement due to the adsorption of citrate onto the surface of 5-1-8 phase. The improvement of water stability by citric acid is better than that by ammonium citrate tribasic.
Key words:  magnesium oxychloride cement(MOC)  citric acid  ammonium citrate tribasic  water stability