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河海大学 江苏省海岸海洋资源开发与环境安全重点实验室,江苏 南京 210098
为模拟热带海洋环境中温度突变对细骨料珊瑚混凝土结构耐久性的影响,研究了20~70 ℃交变温度条件下细骨料珊瑚混凝土性能及3种钢筋腐蚀特征的演变,并将其与恒温20、70 ℃的试样进行对比.结果表明:20~70 ℃交变温度条件下试样的表观密度与恒温条件下相差不大,但其孔隙率比恒温条件下增加了6%;温度交变下细骨料珊瑚混凝土中钢筋的开路电位(OCP)、腐蚀电流密度(icorr)、钢筋/混凝土界面极化电阻(Rct)均介于恒定高温和恒定低温试样之间,且更接近恒定低温试样.因此,可推断交变温度会显著加剧细骨料珊瑚混凝土的劣化,但在混凝土保护层防护下,其对钢筋/混凝土界面的劣化作用显著下降.
关键词:  温度交变  细骨料珊瑚混凝土  不锈钢钢筋  开路电位  线性极化  交流阻抗
基金项目:南通市科技计划项目 (JC2021048, JC2021049)
Effect of Alternating Temperature on Corrosion Resistance of Reinforcements in Fine Coral Aggregate Concrete
FENG Xingguo, FAN Qiqi, YANG Yang, LU Xinwei, LU Xiangyu
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Coast Ocean Resources Development and Environment Security, Hohai University,Nanjing 210098, China
For simulating the effect of alternating temperature, which is caused by the weather variations, on the durability of fine coral concrete, mechanical properties of fine coral aggregate concrete and corrosion behavior of its reinforcement under 20-70 ℃ alternating temperature cycles were studied, and the counterparts at constant 20,70 ℃ also were investigated for comparison. The results show that their density values don't show significant difference when the coral concrete samples experience various temperature conditions. However, the porosity of the fine coral aggregate concrete under 20-70 ℃ alternating temperature conditions is about 6% higher than the ones under the constant temperature solutions. Simultaneously, the open circuit potential (OCP), corrosion current density (icorr), and polarization resistance of the reinforcement/concrete interface (Rct) of the reinforcement under alternating temperature cycles are much lower than their counterparts at the higher temperature of the thermal cycle, while the aforementioned parameters of samples under the former conditions are close to the ones at the constant lower temperature of the cycle. Consequently, it can be concluded that the alternating temperature obviously degrades the coral concrete layer, while its degradation effects on the reinforcement/concrete interface are dramatically declined by the concrete cover layer.
Key words:  alternating temperature  fine coral aggregate concrete  stainless steel reinforcement  open circuit potential(OCP)  linear polarization  EIS