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1.扬州大学 建筑科学与工程学院,江苏 扬州 225127;2.江苏省水利勘测设计研究院有限公司,江苏 扬州 225127;3.扬州市公共交通集团有限责任公司,江苏 扬州 225100
关键词:  塑性混凝土  水泥掺量  养护龄期  强度  pH值  电导率
Effect of Mix Proportion and Age on Strength pH Value Electrical Conductivity of Plastic Concrete
WANG Shengwei1, WEN Yijiang1, HONG Xianghua2, ZHANG Xiaobin3
1.College of Civil Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China;2.Jiangsu Surveying and Design Institute of Water Resources Co., Ltd., Yangzhou 225127, China;3.Yangzhou Public Transportation Group Co., Ltd., Yangzhou 225100, China
From indoor experiments, the effects of mix proportion and curing age on unconfined compressive strength of plastic concrete were studied. The pH value and electrical conductivity were measured under the corresponding cement content and curing age. The quantitative relationship between pH value,electrical conductivity and strength of plastic concrete was established. Results show that with the increase of cement content, the strength, pH value and electrical conductivity of plastic concrete increase. With the increase of curing age, the strength of plastic concrete increases, while pH value and electrical conductivity firstly increase and then decrease. Under different cement contents and curing ages, pH value of plastic concrete shows three stages: 11.60-12.20, 12.20-12.35, 12.35-12.80, and there is a good power function relationship between electrical conductivity and strength at each stage of pH value.
Key words:  plastic concrete  cement content  curing age  strength  pH value  electrical conductivity