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胡富贵1, 田小革2, 胡宏立2, 李光耀2, 郭常辉2
为研究丁苯橡胶(SBR)胶乳掺量对改性乳化沥青性能的影响,对不同SBR胶乳掺量的改性乳化沥青进行针入度、软化点、延度和储存稳定性试验,并采用动态剪切流变仪(DSR)和弯曲梁流变仪(BBR) 测试了SBR胶乳掺量对改性乳化沥青高低温性能的影响.结果表明:随着SBR胶乳掺量的增加,改性乳化沥青的延度、软化点及软化点差逐渐增大,针入度降低;相同温度下,随着SBR胶乳掺量的增加,改性乳化沥青的复数模量、车辙因子和蠕变速率逐渐增大,劲度模量、相位角逐渐减小;综合考虑SBR胶乳掺量对改性乳化沥青各项性能指标的影响,SBR胶乳的建议掺量为4%.
关键词:  道路工程  乳化沥青  SBR胶乳  宏观性能
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202104030
Effect of SBR Latex Content on Performance ofModified Emulsified Asphalt
HU Fugui1, TIAN Xiaoge2, HU Hongli2, LI Guangyao2, GUO Changhui2
1.Hunan Construction Engineering Group Communications Construction Co., Ltd., Changsha 410004, China;2.School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114, China
In order to investigate the effect of SBR(styrene butadiene rubber) latex on modified emulsified asphalt, the penetration, softening point, ductility and storage stability tests were carried out on modified emulsified asphalt with different SBR latex contents. The dynamic shear rheometer(DSR) and bending beam rheometer(BBR) were used to test the effect of SBR Latex content on the high and low temperature performance of modified emulsified asphalt. The results show that with increase of the content of SBR latex the ductility, softening point of the modified emulsified asphalt residue gradually increase but the penetration reduces at the same temperature, the complex modulus, rutting factor and creep rate gradually increase with the increase of SBR latex content, while the stiffness modulus and phase angle decrease. Considering the influence of SBR latex content on various performance indexes of modified emulsified asphalt, it is recommended that the appropriate content of SBR latex is 4%.
Key words:  road engineering  emulsified asphalt  SBR latex  macro performance