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李秀君1, 高世柱1, 赵麟昊1, 乔向军2, 邵晗1
关键词:  泡沫沥青  水性环氧树脂  高温稳定性  抗水损性能
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202104027
基金项目:住房城乡建设部2018年科学技术项目(2018 k9 062)
Performances of Cold Recycling Mixture with Foamed Bitumen and Waterborne Epoxy Resin
LI Xiujun1, GAO Shizhu1, ZHAO Linhao1, QIAO Xiangjun2, SHAO Han1
1.School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China;2.Baotou Municipal Design Institute, Baotou 014030, China
In view of the lack of high temperature stability and water damage resistance of cold recycling mixture with foamed bitumen(CRMFB), waterborne epoxy resin(WER) was used to modify it. The effects of mixing method, WER dosage, storage time and storage temperature on the performance of the CRMFB were studied in detail. The results show that the best mixing method of WER is to add it into the mixing water first, and then into mixing pot together with mineral materials. The performance of the CRMFB is improved by forming a high viscosity thermosetting slurry with loose fine aggregate and “locking” molecules of bitumen molecules with curing products. The water damage resistance and high temperature stability of graded S and graded Z mixtures are improved. It is recommended that CRMFB should be transported from the mixing plant to the site for paving and compaction within 45min. No matter the working temperature is low or high, the transportation time should be controlled within 30min.
Key words:  foamed bitumen  waterborne epoxy resin  high temperature stability  water damage resistance