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丁子豪1, 倪富健1, 李松1, 蒋继望1, 陆永强2
关键词:  改性沥青  高温性能  多应力蠕变恢复试验  相关性分析  钢桥面铺装
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202104022
Analysis on the Key Indicators of High Temperature Performance of Modified Asphalts Commonly Used in Steel Bridge Deck Pavement
DING Zihao1, NI Fujian1, LI Song1, JIANG Jiwang1, LU Yongqiang2
1.School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China;2.Zhejiang Jiashao Cross River Bridge Investment and Development Co., Ltd., Shaoxing 312000, China
High temperature performance of three high performance modified asphalts(A, B and C) and SBS modified asphalt were characterized by multiple stress creep recovery(MSCR) test. Their non recoverable creep compliance(Jnr), percent recovery(R) and the corresponding stress sensitivity indexes were analyzed. The high temperature performance of asphalt mixtures fabricated by those four asphalt binders were evaluated through wheel tracking tests and dynamic creep tests. Ultimately, regression analyses were carried out between high temperature performance parameters of asphalt binder and asphalt mixture. The results show that the Jnr of A and C is comparatively smaller and percent recovery is bigger than SBS modified asphalt and B under different stresses. In addition, the stress sensitivity of A and C is lower than that of B and SBS modified asphalt. Furthermore, the high temperature rutting resistance of A mixture and C mixture is superior to the other two asphalt mixtures. Comparing with tracking tests, the dynamic creep tests show better correlation with Jnr and R. It is more reasonable to use Jnr and R of asphalt binders at 32, 64and 128kPa to evaluate the high temperature performance of modified asphalt mixtures. The application of A and C could improve the high temperature stability performance of steel bridge deck pavement dramatically.
Key words:  modified asphalt  high temperature performance  multiple stress creep recovery(MSCR) test  correlation analysis  steel bridge deck pavement