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郝贠洪1, 宣姣羽1, 马思晗2, 李洁2, 田旭乐2
关键词:  高低温循环  紫外老化  钢结构  聚氨酯涂层  力学性能
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202104017
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11862022,11162011,51468049,11662012);内蒙古自治区自然科学基金资助项目(2018MS05047);内蒙古自治区青年科技英才支持计划项目(NJYT 17 A09);内蒙古自治区草原英才资助项目
Influence of Regional Special Environment on the Basic Mechanical Properties of Steel Structure Coating
HAO Yunhong1, XUAN Jiaoyu1, MA Sihan2, LI Jie2, TIAN Xule2
1.School of Science, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China
Based on the characteristics of the regional special environment in the Midwest of Inner Mongolia, the high low temperature cycling tests were carried out on the steel structure coating in an experimental system for simulating durability damage of engineering materials under natural environment. The ultraviolet aging tests were also carried out on the steel structure coating in a UV aging test chamber. The influence of special environment on the basic mechanical properties of steel structure coatings was analyzed. The results show that the high low temperature cycling increases the degree of hydrogen bonding and the intermolecular forces of the steel structure coating. Through fifty high low temperature cycles, the hardness of the steel structure coating is increased by 2474%, and the adhesion increases at first and then decreases, reducing overall by 183%. UV aging will lead to the C—N and C—O bond rupture. The hardness of the steel structure coating is reduced by 4437%, and the adhesion is reduced by 227% after 3 years of UV aging.
Key words:  high low temperature cycle  UV aging  steel structure  polyurethane coating  mechanical property