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王亚坤, 杨钱荣
关键词:  3D打印轻骨料混凝土  轻骨料  流变性能  可打印性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202104011
Effect of Additives on Rheological Properties and Printability of 3D Printing Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
WANG Yakun, YANG Qianrong
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
The effects of aggregates(quartz sand, vitrified bead), thickeners(HMC), plasticizers(KHC), and latex powder(FX) on the rheological properties, extrudability, stacking performance and bulk density of 3D printing lightweight aggregate concrete(3DPLAC) were studied. The results show that the apparent viscosity, thixotropy and yield stress of the 3D printing lightweight aggregate concrete decrease significantly, the extrudability and stacking performance decrease, and the bulk density also decreases significantly with the increase of the replacement amount of vitrified beads under the same water binder ratio. With the increase of HMC and KHC content, the apparent viscosity, thixotropy and yield stress of 3D printing lightweight aggregate concrete increased significantly. With the increase of FX content, the apparent viscosity, thixotropy and yield stress of 3D printing lightweight aggregate concrete decrease first and then increase. By optimizing the distribution ratio, 3D printing lightweight aggregate concrete can obtain appropriate rheological properties, its printability is significantly improved, and its bulk density is also significantly reduced.
Key words:  3D printing lightweight aggregate concrete  lightweight aggregate  rheological property  printability