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引用本文:李东遥,单钰涵,韩宇栋,丁小平,侯东伟.基于Lattice Boltzmann方法的水泥基材料溶液传输过程模拟[J].建筑材料学报,2021,24(4):716-725
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基于Lattice Boltzmann方法的水泥基材料溶液传输过程模拟
李东遥1, 单钰涵1, 韩宇栋2, 丁小平2, 侯东伟1
关键词:  水泥微观模型  离子扩散  水分传输  格子玻尔兹曼方法
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202104007
Numerical Simulation of Solution Transportation in Cementitious Materials Based on Lattice Boltzmann Method
LI Dongyao1, SHAN Yuhan1, HAN Yudong2, DING Xiaoping2, HOU Dongwei1
1.Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;2.Central Research Institute of Building and Construction, MCC Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100088, China
In order to study the coupling effect of water and ions in the process of solution transportation in cementitious materials, the self growth model was proposed first. Considering the influence of water cement ratio and hydration degree on porosity, a meso structure model of cement based porous media was established. Then, using the lattice Boltzmann method, the water transportation, ion diffusion, and solution transportation were simulated respectively, and the transformation and transportation of gas liquid two phase phenomena were simulated. The results show that the greater the porosity, the faster the transmission rate. In saturated porous media, ions diffuse along the pores in the water; while in dry porous media, the ion transmission rate dominated by solution is faster than that in saturated porous media due to the existence of convection. This work reveals the meso mechanism of the solution transfer process in cement based materials, and lays the foundation for a deep understanding of the actual occurrence of concrete durability.
Key words:  mesoscopic cement model  ion diffusion  water transportation  lattice Boltzmann method