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杨正宏1, 许亚飞2, 朱洪波1, 黄黎明2, 高国旗2
为提高水泥基人造石的力学强度和耐久性,在其中掺入纳米氧化石墨烯(NGO),研究了NGO掺量对低水胶比水泥净浆及水泥砂浆凝结时间、流动度、力学性能和耐久性的影响,并通过水化热、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、热重差示扫描量热法(TG DSC)、扫描电镜(SEM)和压汞仪(MIP)等微观表征手段分析了NGO的作用机理.结果表明:与无NGO的空白样相比,掺入002%NGO后水泥砂浆28d抗压强度提高2095%,氯离子扩散系数降至029×10-12m2/s;NGO可以促进水泥净浆的早期水化,降低自收缩,细化孔径,从而提高水泥基人造石的耐久性和力学性能.
关键词:  水泥  纳米氧化石墨烯  耐久性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202104005
Effect of Nano Graphene Oxide on Properties of Cement Based Artificial Stone
YANG Zhenghong1, XU Yafei2, ZHU Hongbo1, HUANG Liming2, GAO Guoqi2
1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
In order to improve the mechanical strength and durability of cement based artificial stone, nano graphene oxide(NGO) was mixed into it. The effects of NGO content on the setting time, fluidity, mechanical properties and durability of low water to binder ratio cement paste and cement mortar were studied. The micro analysis methods of hydration heat, X ray diffractometer(XRD), thermos gravimetric differential scanning calorimetry(TG DSC), scanning electron microscope(SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP) were used to analyze the mechanism of NGO. The results show that the compressive strength of cement mortar with 002% NGO can be significantly improved by 2095% at 28d, and the chloride diffusion coefficient can be reduced to 029×10-12m2/s compared with the control group without NGO. At the same time, it can also promote the early hydration of cement paste, reduce autogenous shrinkage, refine pore size, thus improving the durability and mechanical properties of cement based artificial stone.
Key words:  cement  nano graphene oxide(NGO)  durability