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易卓然1, 肖建庄1, 薛松涛1, 韩女1, 张恒春2
关键词:  不合格新拌混凝土  再生混凝土  流动性  抗压强度  减水剂
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202103026
Experimental Study on Utilization of Disqualified Fresh Concrete
YI Zhuoran1, XIAO Jianzhuang1, XUE Songtao1, HAN Nü1, ZHANG Hengchun2
1.College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;2.China Construction Premix ConcreteFujian Co., Ltd., Fuzhou 350015, China
The water reducer and retarder were adopted to modify the working performance of disqualified fresh concrete, and the modified concrete was mixed into the fresh concrete with a constant mix proportion for recycling. The effect of different placing time(90,180,270min) and replacing rate(10%,20%,30%) were studied by the tests of slump loss through time and compressive strength. According to the results, the slump loss through time of the recycled concrete is similar to the result of fresh concrete within 30minutes but increases rapidly after 60min, the minimum compressive strength of the recycled concrete after 7days was 315MPa with the placing time equal to 180 min and replacing rate equal to 30%, and the minimum compressive strength after 28days is 501MPa with the placing time equal to 270 min and replacing rate equal to 30%. The experiment shows that the disqualified fresh concrete before the initial setting was suitable for the preparation of recycled concrete.
Key words:  disqualified fresh concrete  recycled concrete  fluidity  compressive strength  water reducer