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王端宜, 郭秀林, 唐成
关键词:  黏附性  水损害  接触角  表面能
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202103024
Bonding Performance Evaluation and Verification between Asphalt and Aggregate Based on True Asphalt Film Thickness
WANG Duanyi, GUO Xiuling, TANG Cheng
Institute of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
In order to quantitatively evaluate the bonding performance between aggregate and asphalt under the true asphalt film thickness, the potential failure mode of the three phase system of asphalt, aggregate and stainless steel fixture was analyzed by surface energy theory. The bonding performance between five asphalts and two aggregates were tested in dry and wet condition under different temperature by dynamic shear rheometer(DSR). The results show that the asphalt tends to fail with cohesion mode in dry condition, the adhesion failure occurs at the interface between the asphalt and aggregate in wet condition, respectively. Residual strength ratio (RSR) and residual work ratio(RWR) can distinguish the bonding performance between different asphalts and aggregates, RWR at 30℃ is suggested to evaluate the bonding performance between asphalt and aggregate.
Key words:  adhesion  water damage  contact degree  surface energy