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庄海洋, 刘启菲, 吴琪, 李晓雪, 陈国兴
关键词:  橡胶颗粒砂混合料  动三轴试验  动强度  滞回圈  能量耗散
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202103021
基金项目:江苏省重点研发计划项目(BE2020711);江苏省“六大人才高峰”资助计划(JZ 2018 022);江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(KYCX19_0879)
Dynamic Behavior of Saturated Rubber Particle Sand Mixture
ZHUANG Haiyang, LIU Qifei, WU Qi, LI Xiaoxue, CHEN Guoxing
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 210009, China
Mixture containing rubber particle from wasted tire and sand was prepared and a series of cyclic triaxial tests were conducted. The results show that with the increase of rubber content(wR), the failure vibration(Nf) increases at first then decreases. Also, the rubber content corresponding to the failure vibration differs from different cyclic stress ratios. When rubber content increases, the curves of the relationship between the double shear strain amplitude and the cyclic vibration ratio gradually transform from abrupt growth type to linear growth type. Meanwhile, it is found that rubber content has a significant effect on the main dynamic characteristics of mixtures. When wR=0%20%, the rubber particle sand mixture is similar to pure sand. With wR=30%50%, the dynamic characteristics of mixture gradually change from sand to rubber particles as rubber content increases. When rubber content exceeds 70%, the characteristics of the mixture are consistent with pure rubber particles. Based on the basic theory of micro soil dynamics and the characteristics of energy dissipation, the experimental phenomena and their laws are preliminarily explained.
Key words:  rubber particle sand mixture  cyclic triaxial test  dynamic strength  hysteresis loop  cumulative energy dissipation