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李清海, 赵娇娇, 李清原, 高建伟, 吴玉姣
关键词:  一维短切玻璃纤维  二维玻璃纤维网格布  3D织物  抗弯强度  韧性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202103019
Influence of Glass Fibers with Different Dimensionality on Flexural Properties of GRC
LI Qinghai, ZHAO Jiaojiao, LI Qingyuan, GAO Jianwei, WU Yujiao
China Building Material Academy, Beijing 100024, China
The cement based materials were reinforced by one dimensional chopped glass fiber, two dimensional glass fiber mesh and three dimensional glass fiber fabric(3D fabric) that was woven at intervals. Based on the examination of load deflection curve from four point bending test and the crack propagation in glass fiber reinforced cement(GRC) failure process, the bending performance of GRC reinforced by glass fibers with different dimensionality was analyzed. The fitted equations of bending load deflection curve were established, and the strength and toughness indexes were used for quantitative characterization. The results show that, GRC reinforced by fibers with different dimensionality possesses good linear relationship between bending load and deflection in elastic deformation stage and plastic deformation stage. In the elastic plastic transition stage, the bending load and deflection of GRC reinforced by 3D fabric shows a sine function relationship. The bending failure strength of GRC reinforced by chopped glass fiber, glass fiber mesh and 3D fabric is increased 53%, 92% and 193% respectively compared with that of reference cement mortar, and the toughness index reaches 267, 343 and 736 respectively compared with that of reference cement mortar(1.0). 3D fabric reinforcement improves the strength and toughness of GRC from a low strength and brittle material.
Key words:  one dimensional chopped glass fiber  two dimensional glass fiber mesh  3D fabric  bending strength  toughness