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张霓, 郑晨阳, 赵中伟, 刘海卿, 羡丽娜
关键词:  GFRP管  煤矸石混凝土  钢管  空心柱  轴心受压  套箍效应
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202103017
基金项目:中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2017M621156);辽宁省教育厅育苗项目(LJ2020QNL006);辽宁工程技术大学学科创新团队资助项目(LNTU20TD 12)
Experimental Investigations on Axial Compression Behavior of GFRP Tube Coal Gangue Concrete Steel Tube Hollow Columns
ZHANG Ni, ZHENG Chenyang, ZHAO Zhongwei, LIU Haiqing, XIAN Lina
School of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China
The GFRP tube coal gangue concrete steel tube hollow column(GGCSC) was prepared by replacing ordinary concrete with coal gangue concrete, and the GGCSC specimens were tested under axial compression. The influences of GFRP tube wall thickness, hollow ratio, steel tube wall thickness and concrete type on the axial compression performance of GGCSC specimens were studied. The experimental data of bearing capacity, strain, and displacement of the specimens were obtained. The difference of axial compression performance between GGCSC and GFRP tube ordinary concrete steel tube hollow columns was compared. Through the load displacement development trend of external GFRP tube and internal steel tube during compression, the mechanical properties of the two tubes during axial compression of GGCSC were determined. The study provides the test basis for the popularization and application of GGCSC columns.
Key words:  GFRP tube  coal gangue concrete  steel tube  hollow column  axial compression  ferrule effect