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谢剑, 乔羽, 王启辰
关键词:  极地低温  碳纤维增强聚合物筋  黏结性能  拉拔试验
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202103012
Bonding Behavior between CFRP Bar and Concrete at Polar Temperature
XIE Jian, QIAO Yu, WANG Qichen
School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China
Pull out tests were carried out to investigate the effects of polar temperature on the bonding behavior between carbon fiber reinforce polymer(CFRP) bars and concrete by considering several parameters, including concrete strength, bar diameter, bond length, and cover thickness. The experimental results show that the bonding behavior between CFRP bar and concrete is weakened at polar temperature compared with that at normal temperature, but it reveals a nonmonotonic trend at temperatures ranging from 18℃ to -80℃. The bond strength tends to decrease with the increase of bar diameter and bond length, while increases with the enhancement of concrete strength and cover thickness. The bond interface between CFRP bar and concrete tends to be brittle and prone to sudden and random failure, whereas concrete splitting hardly occurs at polar temperature.
Key words:  polar temperature  carbon fiber reinforced polymer bar  bonding behavior  pull out test