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戴仁辉1, 李明东1, 陈士军1, 易进翔1, 高玉峰2
关键词:  粒度  石英砂  粗粒  孔隙比  击实  颗粒破碎
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202102028
Ultimate Void Ratios of Coarse Particles of Different Sizes and Its Particle Breakage Characteristics
DAI Renhui1, LI Mingdong1, CHEN Shijun1, YI Jinxiang1, GAO Yufeng2
1.School of Civil and Architectural Engineering, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China;2.Geotechnical Research Institute, Hohai University, Nanjing 210024, China
To study the compaction of coarse particle soil with quartz sand as the main component, the ultimate void ratios of coarse particle of different sizes were determined by measuring cylinder rotation method and the vibration compaction test respectively. Compaction capacity was used to express the variation range of the void ratio of coarse particle soil. The relationship between compaction capacity and particle size was explored. Particle breakage characteristics of coarse particle and raw soil of different particle sizes were tested, and the characteristics and evolution process of particle breakage during compaction was analyzed. The results show that the maximum void ratio decreases rapidly with the increase of particle size at first and then increases slowly. The minimum void ratio decreases linearly with the increase of particle size. The compaction capacity decreases with the increase of particle size and then increases. The particle breakage of coarse particle soil increases linearly with the increase of particle size during the compaction process, and the coarse particle soil gradually tends to be uniform. The research results have guiding significance for compaction of coarse particle soil with quartz sand as the main component.
Key words:  particle size  quartz sand  coarse particle  void ratio  compaction  particle breakage