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蒋文韬1, 郝培文1, 赵超志2, 仵涛2, 李德文2
为研究经聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)处理后的石墨烯对SBS改性沥青流变性能的影响,通过高速剪切机在SBS改性沥青中掺入PVP修饰石墨烯,制备了石墨烯 SBS复合改性沥青,并采用动态剪切流变仪、温度扫描和线性振幅扫描试验,对复合改性沥青流变性能及抗疲劳性能变化规律进行研究,同时结合弯曲梁流变仪试验探索了复合改性沥青低温抗裂性的变化规律.试验结果表明:PVP修饰石墨烯的掺入能够有效改善SBS改性沥青在高温条件下的抗变形、弹性恢复能力以及抗疲劳性能;PVP修饰石墨烯的掺入对复合改性沥青的低温抗裂性能存在负面影响,但影响不明显.
关键词:  石墨烯改性  动态剪切流变仪  多重应力蠕变恢复  弯曲梁流变仪  线性振幅扫描
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202102022
基金项目:陕西省交通运输厅科研项目(15 11K)
Effect of PVP Modified Graphene on Rheological Properties of SBS Modified Asphalt
JIANG Wentao1, HAO Peiwen1, ZHAO Chaozhi2, WU Tao2, LI Dewen2
1.Key Laboratory of Road Structure and Materials of Ministry of Transport, Changan University, Xian 710064, China;2.Shaanxi Provincial Communication Construction Group, Xian 710075, China
In order to investigate the influence of graphene treated with PVP on the rheological properties of SBS modified asphalt, composite modified asphalt was prepared by adding different amounts of PVP modified graphene to SBS modified asphalt through a high speed shear. The dynamic shear rheometer(DSR) and temperature sweep and linear amplitude sweep(LAS) tests were used to observe the changes of rheological properties and fatigue resistance of graphene/SBS composite modified asphalt with different contents, combined with bending beam rheometer(BBR) to explore the change of the low temperature crack resistance of composite modified asphalt. The results show that addition of graphene can effectively improve the deformation resistance and elastic recovery ability of SBS modified asphalt under high temperature conditions and the fatigue resistance of SBS modified asphalt. However, the addition of graphene has a negative impact on the low temperature crack resistance of the composite modified asphalt, though the impact is not obvious.
Key words:  graphene modification  dynamic shear rheology(DSR)  multiple stress creep recovery(MSCR)  bending beam rheometer(BBR)  linear amplitude sweep(LAS)