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赵一鹤, 孙振平, 穆帆远, 庞敏, 李飞
关键词:  超高性能混凝土(UHPC)  钢纤维  拉伸性能  拔出行为  界面
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202102007
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1534207,51678441);上海市经信委专项资金项目(沪CXY 2016 012);上海市建委专项课题(住建管2017 001 009);上海市2019年度“联盟计划”资助项目(LM201947)
Effect of Steel Fibers on Tensile Properties of Ultra high Performance Concrete and Its Pullout Behavior
ZHAO Yihe, SUN Zhenping, MU Fanyuan, PANG Min, LI Fei
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Effect of type, length and diameter of steel fibers on the tensile properties of ultra high performance concrete(UHPC) and its pullout behavior were investigated through the uni axial tensile test and single fiber pullout test. It can be explained by scanning electron microscope(SEM) results of fiber surface and interfacial transition zone(ITZ). The results show that the tensile properties and pullout behavior of UHPC with end hooked fiber are better than that of UHPC with straight fiber. Compared to straight fiber, better bonding properties of ITZ between end hooked fiber and matrix contributes to the “yield period” in tensile stress strain curve and platform period of pullout curve. For both type of steel fiber of the same diameter, the elastic tensile strength increases at first and then decreases as fiber length increases. The optimum tensile property and pullout behavior are gained at the length of 16mm. For UHPC with end hooked fibers at the same length, the tensile property and pullout behavior declines, due to increasing parosity and bleeding in ITZ at a large diameter.
Key words:  ultra high performance concrete(UHPC)  steel fiber  tensile property  pullout behavior  interfacial transition zone