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肖佳1, 张泽的1, 韩凯东1, 田承宇2, 邱凯2
关键词:  石灰石粉  水膜厚度  屈服应力  BP神经网络
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202102001
Relationship between Water Film Thickness and Yield Stress of Cement Ground Limestone Powder Paste
XIAO Jia1, ZHANG Zedi1, HAN Kaidong1, TIAN Chengyu2, QIU Kai2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2.Research and Design Institute of China Hydropower Engineering Bureau 8 Co., Ltd., Changsha 410004, China
The water film thickness of cement ground limestone paste was calculated by the total specific surface area and packing density of the particles. The relationship between the water film thickness and the total specific surface area and packing density of the particles was investigated. The yield stress of the paste was measured and the model of relationship between water film thickness and yield stress was established based on BP neural network. The results show that the water film thickness of cement ground limestone paste depends on the ratio of packing density to total specific surface area and increases with the increase of the ratio. The change of water film thickness is significantly correlated to the relative increase rate of packing density and total specific surface area. When the increase rate of packing density is greater than the increase rate of total specific surface area of particles (Δ>0), the water film thickness increases and vice versa. The Peasron correlation coefficient between calculated values and measured values of the model of yield stress is 0955, which means the model has high accuracy.
Key words:  ground limestone powder  water film thickness  yield stress  BP neural network