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王小娟, 刘路, 贾昆程, 周宏元
关键词:  陶粒泡沫混凝土  强度匹配  破坏模式  抗压强度  压实应变  能量吸收
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202101027
Mechanical Properties and Energy Absorption Characteristics of Ceramsite Foam Concrete
WANG Xiaojuan, LIU Lu, JIA Kuncheng, ZHOU Hongyuan
Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering of Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Ceramsite foam concrete was produced by mixing fast hardening sulphoaluminate cement with precast foam and ceramsite. The effects of foam concrete density and ceramsite particle size on the failure mode, compressive strength(peak stress), densification strain and energy absorption of ceramsite foam concrete subjected to static uniaxial compression was investigated. The experiment results indicate that remarkable non interfacial failure is observed with higher density of foam concrete and larger particle size of ceramsite, from which the density range of foam concrete with matched strength of the three corresponding ceramsite is determined. With increasing density of foam concrete, the compressive strength and energy absorption of ceramsite foam concrete are remarkably improved, while the densification strain decreases. In addition, with increasing ceramsite particle size, the densification strain decreases first then increases, the compressive strength increases first then decreases, and the energy absorption capacity gradually increases.
Key words:  ceramsite foam concrete  strength match  failure mode  compressive strength  densification strain  energy absorption