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周长东, 梁立灿, 阿斯哈, 张泳, 杨礼赣
关键词:  应力应变模型  矩形木柱  复合加固  内嵌钢筋  碳纤维布  轴压试验
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202101023
Compressive Stress Strain Model of Combined Strengthening Rectangular Timber Columns
ZHOU Changdong, LIANG Lican, A Siha, ZHANG Yong, YANG Ligan
School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
In order to study the effect of the amount of steel bars and the wrapping method of carbon fiber reinforced plastic(CFRP) sheets on compressive stress strain relationship of rectangular timber columns, based on the test results of 27square and 9 rectangular timber columns under axial compression, the strength calculation method of rectangular timber columns confined by CFRP sheets was proposed, calculation formulas of the bearing capacity for combined strengthening rectangular timber columns were obtaind. Then a trilinear compressive stress strain model of rectangular timber columns strengthened with combination of near surface mounted steel bars and lateral CFRP sheets was recommended. The calculated stress strain curves based on this recommended model are in good agreement with the test values of timber columns, which verifies the applicability of the trilinear compressive stress strain model of rectangular timber columns strengthened with combination of near surface mounted steel bars and lateral CFRP sheets.
Key words:  stress strain model  rectangular timber column  combined strengthening  near surface mounted steel bar  carbon fiber reinforced plastic(CFRP) sheet  axial compression test