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1.贵州大学 材料与冶金学院,贵州 贵阳 550025;2.贵州大学 贵州省冶金工程与过程节能重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550025;3.首钢水城钢铁(集团)有限责任公司,贵州 六盘水 553000
基于二维错配度理论,针对以NbC为基底的相对形核相γ-Fe、α-Fe进行错配度计算.利用扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、金相显微镜(OM)、动态热模拟相变仪,以及力学性能测试,研究了含Nb微合金钢的析出强化、细晶强化、控冷效果、显微组织及力学性能.结果表明:α-Fe与NbC异质形核的效果较好,γ-Fe与NbC异质形核的效果不理想;在连续冷却过程中,珠光体的临界冷却速率为1.5 ℃/s,贝氏体的临界冷却速率为5.0 ℃/s;含Nb的HRB500钢筋通过合适的控冷工艺可以有效细化晶粒尺寸,提高微合金钢的力学性能.
关键词:  异质形核  析出强化  晶粒细化  力学性能
Effect of NbC on Heterogeneous Nucleation and Grain Refinement of HRB500 Reinforcement during Solidification
XIONG Xingqiang1,2, LI Changrong1,2, ZHUANG Changling1,2, LI Zhiying1,2, WANG Jie3
1.College of Materials and Metallurgy,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;2.Guizhou Province Key Laboratory for Metallurgical Engineering and Process Energy Saving,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;3.Shougang Shuicheng Iron and Steel (Group) Co.,Ltd.,Liupanshui 553000,China
Based on the two-dimensional mismatch theory, the relative nucleation phases γ-Fe and α-Fe on NbC were calculated. The precipitation strengthening, fine grain strengthening, cooling control effect, microstructure and mechanical properties of microalloyed steel containing niobium were studied by means of scanning electron microscope(SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), optical microscope (OM), dynamic thermal simulation transformation instrument and mechanical properties test. The results show that the effect of α-Fe and NbC heterogeneous nucleation is better, but the effect of γ-Fe and NbC heterogeneous nucleation is not ideal; in the continuous cooling process, the critical temperature of pearlite transformation is 1.5 ℃/s, and the critical temperature of bainite transformation is 5.0 ℃/s; the Nb containing HRB500 can effectively refine the grain size and improve the mechanical properties of microalloyed steel through appropriate controlled cooling process.
Key words:  heterogeneous nucleation  precipitation strengthening  grain refinement  mechanical property