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1.同济大学 材料科学与工程学院,上海 201804;2.同济大学 先进土木工程材料教育部重点实验室,上海 201804
基于水泥水化进程,考虑水泥水化进程中孔隙率和孔隙溶液离子浓度的动态演变规律,建立水胶比、水泥组分与硬化水泥浆体电导率间的关系,提出一种硬化水泥浆体电导率的动态计算模型.结果表明:所提模型可以计算不同龄期及水胶比硬化水泥浆体的电导率,整体计算误差在10%以内,尤其28 d硬化水泥浆体电导率的计算误差小于5%;随着水化龄期的增长,硬化水泥浆体孔隙溶液离子浓度先增大后稳定,且孔隙率不断降低,二者耦合作用使硬化水泥浆体的电导率随龄期增大不断降低;随着水胶比的增大,孔隙溶液的离子浓度和电导率均降低,但由于孔隙率的增大,使得硬化水泥浆体电导率增大.
关键词:  硬化水泥浆体  电导率  水化  动态计算模型
Hydration Based Dynamic Calculation Model for Electric Conductivity of Hardened Cement Paste
HE Li1,2, CHEN Qing1,2, JIANG Zhengwu1,2
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Based on the model of cement hydration, considering the dynamic evolution law of porosity and ion concentration of pore solution in the process of cement hydration, the relationship of water binder ratio, cement components with electric conductivity of hardened cement paste was established, and a dynamic calculation model for electric conductivity of hardened cement paste was proposed. The results show that the proposed model can calculate the electric conductivity of hardened cement paste at different ages and the overall calculation error is less than 10%, especially the calculation error of electric conductivity of hardened cement paste at 28 d is less than 5%. With the increase of cement hydration age, the ion concentration of pore solution first increases and then stabilizes, while the porosity decreases continuously with time. The combined effect of the two causes makes the electric conductivity of hardened cement paste decrease with the increase of cement hydration age. With the increase of water-binder ratio, the ion concentration and electrical conductivity of pore solution decrease, but the conductivity of the hardened cement paste increase due to the increase of porosity.
Key words:  hardened cement paste  electric conductivity  hydration  dynamic calculation model