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1.中科检测技术服务(广州)股份有限分司,广东 广州 510650;2.中国科学院 广州化学研究所, 广东 广州 510650;3.中国科学院大学 化学科学学院,北京 100049;4.新疆雪峰投资控股 有限责任公司,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830002
为了资源化利用烟气脱硫产生的工业废弃物脱硫石膏,以密胺树脂强化的脱硫石膏-纤维复合体系为研究对象,将密胺树脂固化成型条件与石膏的水化成型过程进行匹配与优化,发展出具有优异综合性能的石膏复合板材.结果表明:密胺树脂的固化交联与石膏晶须生长过程的合理匹配与协同,既有助于形成有机-无机紧密结合,同时也有助于加强脱硫石膏晶须与玻璃纤维之间的附着,促进实现密胺树脂对材料性能的强化;石膏复合板的抗折强度不低于18 MPa,抗压强度大于25 MPa,弹性模量大于6 500 MPa,24 h吸水率低于3.0%,主要性能超过传统的水泥或硅酸钙类型的基础板材,具有明显的技术及市场开发前景.
关键词:  密胺树脂  脱硫石膏  复合成型  协同作用
Molding Process and Mechanism of "Desulfurized Gypsum-Glass Fiber" Reinforced with Melamine Resin
CAO Lijiu1, JIN Tao1,2,3, DENG Suqin1,2,3, HUANG Jian4, CHEN Yufang1,2,3
1.CAS Test Technical Service (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510650, China;2.Guangzhou Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;3.School of Chemistry and Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;4.Xinjiang Xuefeng Investment Holding Co., Ltd., Urumqi 830002, China
To utilize desulfurized gypsum, which is an industrial waste produced by flue gas desulfurization, the melamine resin-reinforced desulfurized gypsum-fiber composite system was studied. By matching and optimizing the curing conditions of the melamine resin with the hydration molding process of gypsum, combined with the analysis of the structure and morphology of the composite system, the gypsum composite board with excellent comprehensive properties was developed. The results show that the reasonable coordination and matching between the curing and crosslinking of the melamine resin and the growth process of gypsum whiskers not only help to form a close combination of organic and inorganic, but also help to strengthen the adhesion between the desulfurized gypsum whiskers and glass fibers, promoting the realization of the strengthening effect of the melamine resin on the material performance. The flexural strength of the gypsum composite board is not less than 18 MPa, the compressive strength is greater than 25 MPa, the elastic modulus is greater than 6 500 MPa, and the 24 h water absorption ratio is less than 3.0%. The main performance exceeds that of traditional cement or calcium silicate type basic board, with obvious technical and market development prospects.
Key words:  melamine resin  desulfurized gypsum  combined forming process  synergistic effect