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中建西部建设建材科学研究院有限公司,四川 成都 610052
关键词:  苯丙氨酸  耐泥  聚羧酸减水剂  蒙脱土  作用机理
Preparation and Mechanism of Amino Acid Modified Clay Resistant Polycarboxylate Superplasticizers
GAO Yuxin, YANG Wen, LIU Ming, ZENG Chao, WANG Futao
China West Construction Academy of Building Materials Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610052, China
Phenylalanine was grafted onto the end of maleic anhydride polyethylene glycol ester to synthesize amino acid modified unsaturated acid ester, which was introduced into polycarboxylate superplasticizers (PCE) to prepare clay resistant PCE. The effects of the amount of amino acid modified unsaturated acid esters, initiator and chain transfer agent on clay resistance of cement-montmorillonite slurry were discussed. Combined with the changes of the adsorption capacity, layer spacing and pore structure of montmorillonite, the effect mechanism of clay resistant PCE was studied. The results show that compared with ordinary PCE, the initial fluidity of cement-montmorillonite slurry prepared by clay resistant PCE increases by 18.6% and the spread flows loss rate decreased from 39.5% to 13.7%. Amino acid modified unsaturated acid ester reduces the adsorption of PCE on montmorillonite and inhibits the intercalation adsorption and surface adsorption of montmorillonite.
Key words:  phenylalanine  clay resistant  polycarboxylate superplasticizer  montmorillonite  mechanism