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南昌大学 江西省超低能耗建筑重点实验室,江西 南昌 330031
通过煅烧法制备具有异质结构的g-C3N4-TiO2光催化剂,然后与硅藻土/泥炭藓基调湿材料复合得到自然光驱动光催化调湿材料,并通过小室试验测试其降解甲醛和调湿的效果.采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、环境扫描电子显微镜(ESEM)、紫外-可见分光光度计(UV-Vis)、傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)和荧光光谱仪(PL)等研究了g-C3N4-TiO2/硅藻土/泥炭藓光催化调湿材料降解甲醛及温湿度调节的机制.结果表明:在尿素与TiO2质量比为5∶1,520 ℃条件下煅烧制备的g-C3N4-TiO2光催化剂降解甲醛的效果最好,具有牢固的异质结,能有效减少光生电子和空穴的重组中心,使TiO2禁带宽变窄;由于光催化-吸附协同效应,NTD-5在自然光照下能够有效地将试验小室内的甲醛浓度和相对湿度分别控制在0.1 mg/m3和60%左右,同时还具有1~2 ℃的温度调节作用.
关键词:  g-C3N4-TiO2  自然光驱动  光催化降解  温湿度调节  异质结
Photocatalytic Humidity-Controlling Performance of g-C3N4-TiO2 Loaded on Diatomite/Sphagnum Composite
HU Mingyu, ZHOU Xia, YAN Sheng, ZHAO Lina
Key Laboratory for Ultra-low Energy Buildings of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China
A heterogeneous g-C3N4-TiO2 photocatalyst was synthesized by calcination, and it was combined with diatomite/sphagnum composite to prepare a natural light-driven photocatalytic humidity-controlling material. Degradation of formaldehyde and humidity control effect of the material were measured and studied by chamber test. X-ray diffractometer(XRD), environmental scanning electronic microscope(ESEM), UV-Vis spectrophotometer(UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer(FTIR) and photoluminescence(PL) spectra were used to study the photocatalytic degradation of formaldehyde and the temperature and humidity adjustment mechanism of g-C3N4-TiO2/diatomite/sphagnum composite photocatalytic humidity-controlling material. The results show that the mass ratio of urea to TiO2 is 5∶1, and the g-C3N4-TiO2 photocatalyst prepared by calcination at 520 ℃ has the best effect of degrading formaldehyde. It has a strong heterojunction and can effectively reduce the recombination center of photogenerated electrons and holes, and narrow the forbidden band width of TiO2 after g-C3N4-TiO2 was loaded on diatomite/sphagnum composite. Due to the photocatalytic-adsorption synergistic effect, NTD-5 can effectively control the formaldehyde concentration and relative humidity in the chamber at about 0.1 mg/m3 and 60% RH, respectively, and has the temperature adjustment function of 1~2 ℃ under natural light.
Key words:  g-C3N4-TiO2  natural light drive  photocatalytic degradation  control of temperature and humidity  heterojunction