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同济大学 道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,上海 201804
关键词:  低密度聚乙烯  低温性能  评价指标  断裂能量
Improvement of Low Temperature Performance Evaluation Method of LDPE Modified Bitumen
DU Zhenyu, YUAN Jie, XIAO Feipeng
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Low density polyethylene(LDPE) modification to improve low temperature performance of bitumen is still controversial at present. In order to accurately evaluate the low temperature performance of LDPE modified bitumen, bending beam rheometer tests were carried out to obtain stiffness modulus(S), modulus change rate(m), and then the low temperature accumulated stress,dissipation energy rate were calculated. Based on dynamic shear rheometer test and the principle of time temperature equivalence, the master curve of complex modulus, the glass transition modulus and crossover frequency were obtained. Based on the force ductility test, the tension-ductility curve was measured, and the yield strain energy, breaking work and other index values were obtained. The results show that with the increase of LDPE content, the S of the modified bitumen increases, the m decreases, the low temperature cumulative stress increases, the dissipation energy rate decreases, the glass transition modulus increases and the crossover frequency decreases, which shows that the low temperature performance decreases. However, the breaking work required for the failure of LDPE modified bitumen is greater than that of base bitumen, which shows the better low temperature performance of LDPE modified bitumen from the point of view of failure energy. Therefore, low temperature performance of LDPE modified bitumen may be underestimated only based on the evaluation index of Sm. So breaking work should be considered as one of the supplementary evaluation indexes.
Key words:  low density polyethylene  low temperature performance  evaluation index  fracture energy