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1.南京工程学院 土木工程与智慧管理研究所,江苏 南京 211167;2.山东大学 岩土与结构工程研究中心,山东 济南 250061
关键词:  加固  钢筋混凝土T梁  抗剪  有限元  塑性损伤模型
Experiment and Numerical Simulation of HB-FRP Shear Strengthening Concrete T Beam
MA Ying1, GAO Lei2, ZHANG Feng2
1.Institute of Civil Engineering and Intelligent Management, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China;2.Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Research Center, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
Based on model tests, the shear strengthening mechanism of hybrid-bonded fiber-reinforced polymer(HB-FRP) reinforced concrete T beams was studied. Destructive tests of unreinforced, externally-bonded fiber-reinforced polymer(EB-FRP) and HB-FRP reinforced T beams were also carried out. Based on Abaqus software, a refined finite element model was established, and the results of model tests and numerical calculations were compared and analyzed to verify the accuracy of the finite element model. A parameter analysis test was carried out to study the effects of concrete strength, stirrup spacing, FRP strip number and FRP thickness on the shear resistance capacity of reinforced beams. The results show that the shear crack spacing of HB-FRP shear strengthening beams is smaller than that of EB-FRP strengthening beams; EB-FRP strengthening beams has a large area of debonding, while the HB-FRP reinforced beams only has debonding in areas where there are cracks between adjacent mechanical fastener, and the mechanical fasteners effectively suppresses the spread of debonding. The FRP strain level of the HB-FRP shear strengthening beam is twice that of the EB-FRP shear strengthening beam, which shows good ductility. Considering the parameter analysis results of unreinforced beams, EB-FRP reinforced beams and HB-FRP reinforced beams, the influencing factors of shear resistance capacity in descending order of importance are: concrete strength, stirrup spacing, FRP spacing and FRP thickness.
Key words:  reinforcement  reinforced concrete T beam  shear resistance  finite element  plastic damage model