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1.同济大学 道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,上海 201804;2.香港理工大学 建设及环境学院, 香港 999077;3.山西交通科学研究院集团有限公司 黄土地区公路建设与养护技术交通行业 重点实验室,山西 太原 030006
关键词:  高黏SBS改性沥青  老化  流变性能  化学特性  重均相对分子质量
Rheological Properties and Chemical Properties of High Viscosity SBS Modified Asphalt
HUANG Weidong1, GAO Jie1, HAO Gengren2, LIU Liyuan1,3, Lü Quan1
1.Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804, China;2.School of Construction and Environment, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China;3.Key Laboratory of Highway Construction and Maintenance Technology of Ministry of Transport in Loess Region, Shanxi Transportation Research Institute Group Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030006, China
In order to study the influence of SBS content, stabilizer content and aging on the rheological properties and chemical properties of high viscosity SBS modified asphalt, dynamic shear flow was adopted for high viscosity SBS modified asphalt with different SBS content and stabilizer content. The rheological properties and chemical characteristics of modified asphalt before and after aging (short-term aging and long-term aging) were tested by the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) tests. The results show that the phase angle master curve can well characterize the changes in rheological properties of high viscosity SBS modified asphalt during aging; in high viscosity SBS modified asphalt due to extensive cross-linking, a large number of covalent bonds are formed in SBS Therefore, even after long-term aging, there are still enough covalent bonds to maintain the integrity of the SBS structure; compared with the SBS modified asphalt without stabilizers, the addition of stabilizers greatly improves the performance of the high viscosity SBS modified asphalt. But increasing the content of stabilizer if stabilizer is already contained the performance,then has only limited improvement high content of SBS modified asphalt requires a longer mixing time to make SBS fully swell and stabilize in the asphalt. The higher the content of the agent, the longer blending time is needed to make the cross-linking between the SBS molecules occur.
Key words:  high viscosity SBS modified asphalt  aging  rheological property  chemical property  weight average relative molecular mass
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