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宋远明, 赵宇, 王志娟
关键词:  混凝土  碳硫硅钙石  定量方法  化学分析
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202006034
Chemical Quantitative Analysis of Thaumasite
SONG Yuanming, ZHAO Yu, WANG Zhijuan
School of Environmental and Material Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China
Based on the difference of the chemical properties of the sulfur containing hydrates in concrete, barium chloride and calcium chloride solution were used to treat the cement hydration slurry samples, the thaumasite was separated from other sulfur containing hydration products and the content of the thaumasite was measured. The results show that the content of the thaumasite in the mixture of sodium sulfate, calcium sulfide, monosulphite, gypsum, ettringite and thaumasite is measured by this treatment, with the average accuracy is over 92%. The treatment is also used to quantify thaumasite in cement pastes cured in sulfate solutions, and the order of the content is magnesium sulfate > aluminum sulfate > sodium sulfate. It is shown that this quantitative chemical treatment is feasible and reliable for thaumasite quantification.
Key words:  concrete  thaumasite(TSA)  quantitative method  chemical analysis