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周志刚, 李浩嘉, 刘鑫, 贺文莉
关键词:  多孔沥青混凝土  沥青集料界面体系  盐侵蚀  抗拉强度  损伤机理
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202006023
Analysis of the Damage Effect of Sea Salt Erosion on Asphalt Aggregate Interfacial System in Hygrothermal Environment
ZHOU Zhigang, LI Haojia, LIU Xin, HE Wenli
Key Laboratory of Road Structure and Material of Transport Industry, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114, China
To study the damage effect of sea salt humid heat coupling effect on the asphalt aggregate interfacial system, the influence of saline solution type, concentration and immersion time on the tensile strength of the asphalt aggregate interfacial system, the stripping ratio of the asphalt film, the self healing ability, and the water stability after self healing were compared. The damage mechanism of the salt humid heat environment to asphalt aggregate interface system was comparatively analyzed. The results show that the asphalt aggregate specimen with 6μm asphalt film thickness has the highest tensile strength and can be used as control for subsequent simulation test. With the increase of salt erosion time, the tensile strength decreases gradually, and the strip ratio of asphalt film gradually increases. In the early stage, their change rate is larger, and then gradually become stable. The high temperature drying on 60℃ can effectively recover the interfacial strength of the asphalt aggregate. However, due to the solution erosion effect on the aggregate surface, the water stability after self healing is significantly reduced. The more corrosive the sea salt solution is, the worse water stability of the self healing specimen will be. The comprehensive stripping work is greater, the tensile strength of the asphalt aggregate interface is higher and the stripping ratio of the asphalt film is lower, which indicates that the corrosion characteristics and surface tension characteristics of the sea salt solution will influence its damaging effect.
Key words:  porous asphalt concrete  asphalt aggregate interfacial system  salt erosion  tensile strength  damage mechanism