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王秋维1, 史庆轩1, 陶毅1, 王志伟2
关键词:  活性粉末混凝土(RPC)  配合比  抗压强度  变形性能  力学性能指标
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202006017
Compressive Mechanical Properties and Indexes of Reactive Powder Concrete
WANG Qiuwei1, SHI Qingxuan1, TAO Yi1, WANG Zhiwei2
1.tate Key Laboratory of Green Building in Western China, Xian University of Architecture & Technology, Xian 710055, China;2.College of Civil Engineering, Xian University of Architecture & Technology, Xian 710055, China
Mix proportion of reactive powder concrete(RPC) was designed according to densest packing principle. The compression strength and deformation performance of RPC specimens under hot water curing were experimentally analyzed, and the calculation model for RPC cube compressive strength was established. Test results show that longitudinal cracks beginning from the loading end appear on the cube specimens. Shear failure and wedge shaped failure are shown for prism specimens. The ratio between secondary and primary cube compressive strength is 080, and the relation of axial and cube compressive strength is basically the same as that of conventional concrete. The compressive strength and elasticity modulus of RPC decrease with the increase of water binder ratio, while they increase with the increase of the volume fraction of steel fiber and mass ratio of silicon powder. The established model has better accuracy for calculating the compressive strength and can be suggested for practical design. Furthermore, the cube compressive strength of RPC is classified into 10grades, and the mean value and variable coefficient of compressive strength for all grades have been obtained. The expressions of axial compressive strength, elasticity modulus and peak strain are then established, on which the compressive mechanical property indexes can be determined for different grades of concrete.
Key words:  reactive powder concrete(RPC)  mix proportion  compressive strength  deformation performance  mechanical property index