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肖佳1, 韩凯东1, 张泽的1, 田承宇2, 徐勇2
通过RHEOLAB QC型旋转黏度计测试了水泥石灰石粉浆体的屈服应力,采用EDLVO理论定量分析了浆体颗粒间作用力,探究了颗粒间作用力对浆体屈服应力的影响机制.结果表明:颗粒间的范德华力是主要的远程力,而在近程时静电力和水合作用力也具有重要作用;浆体总颗粒间作用力的差异主要由颗粒表面间距决定;当D F拟合度增加时,总颗粒间作用力表现为排斥力先增后减,屈服应力先减后增.
关键词:  石灰石粉  颗粒间作用力  屈服应力  颗粒表面间距
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202006001
Effect of Interparticle Forces on Yield Stress of Cement Ground Limestone Pastes
XIAO Jia1, HAN Kaidong1, ZHANG Zedi1, TIAN Chengyu2, XU Yong2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2.China Hydropower Engineering Bureau 8 Co., Ltd., Changsha 410004, China
The yield stress of cement ground limestone pastes was tested by RHEOLAB QC viscometer, and the interparticle force was quantitatively analyzed by EDLVO theory, and the influence of interparticle forces on the yield stress of pastes was investigated. The results show that with the increase of separation distance, the Van Der Waals force between particles decreases at a quadratic rate while the electrostatic force and hydration force decrease at an exponential rate. The difference of total interparticle force is mainly determined by the separation distance. When D F fitting degree increases, the repulsive force in total interparticle forces first increases and then decreases, and the yield stress first decreases and then increases.
Key words:  ground limestone  interparticle force  yield stress  separation distance