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吴玉龙1, 顾盛1, 孙彬2, 丁晨晨1, 张舜泉3
关键词:  套筒  灌浆料  无损检测  里氏硬度  抗压强度
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005035
Evaluation of Compressive Strength of Sleeve Grouting Materials by Using Leeb Hardness Method
WU Yulong1, GU Sheng1, SUN Bin2, DING Chenchen1, ZHANG Shunquan3
1.Kunshan Construct Engineering Quality Testing Center,Kunshan 215337, China;2.China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China;3.School of Materials Science & Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
In order to study the non destructive testing technology for the strength of grouting material for sleeve connection of reinforcement in prefabricated building, four groups of sleeve grouting material samples with strength at different curing ages were designed and prepared, and their surface Leeb hardness and compressive strength were tested. The results show that the surface Leeb hardness of the standard specimen of sleeve grouting material obeys normal distribution, and the results of two tests and symmetrical side test have repeatability; by eliminating two maximum values and two minimum values, the dispersion of surface Leeb hardness of sleeve grouting materials is significantly reduced, and the deviation is within ±20HL; there is a significant correlation between the surface Leeb hardness of sleeve grouting materials and its compressive strength, and the comprehensive effect of exponential regression fitting is the best.
Key words:  sleeve  grouting material  nondestructive test  Leeb hardness  compressive strength