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李玉根1, 张慧梅1, 刘光秀2, 胡大伟2, 马向荣3
关键词:  风积砂混凝土  强度预测模型  力学性能  影响机理
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005030
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51868075);陕西省科技资源开放共享平台项目(2019PT 18)
Mechanical Properties and Influence Mechanism of Aeolian Sand Concrete
LI Yugen1, ZHANG Huimei1, LIU Guangxiu2, HU Dawei2, MA Xiangrong3
1.College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xian University of Science and Technology, Xian 710054, China;2.School of Architecture Engineering, Yulin University, Yulin 719000, China;3..College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xian University of Science and Technology, Xian 710054, China
River sand was replaced by aeolian sand partly in concrete to study the influence mechanism of aeolian sand on the strength of concrete. The internal pore structure of aeolian sand concrete was tested by nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR), the initial damage of bearing surface was detected by the slicing of CT and the structural form of interface transition zone(ITZ) and the hydration product microstructure were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM). A concrete strength prediction model considering the fineness modulus or specific surface area of sand changing was built based on the American ACI model. The results show that the concrete has the highest strength with an aeolian sand content of 20%. The influence mechanism why a proper amount of aeolian sand increases the strength of concrete is that it optimizes the particle gradation of aggregate, improves the internal pore size distribution and the ITZ structure of concrete, as well as reduces the initial damage of the bearing surface. The theoretical prediction model agrees well with the experimental results.
Key words:  aeolian sand concrete  strength prediction model  mechanical property  influence mechanism