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耿立涛1, 王丽艳1, 姜成岭2, 张哲3, 韩方颜4
关键词:  道路工程  冷补沥青添加剂  黏附性  黏聚性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005025
Performance Evaluation of Solvent Cold Patching Asphalt and Asphalt Mixture
GENG Litao1, WANG Liyan1, JIANG Chengling2, ZHANG Zhe3, HAN Fangyan4
1.School of Transportation Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China;2.Qilu Transportation Development Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250101, China;3.Qingdao Cascada Polymer Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266109, China;4.Dezhou Highway Development Center, Dezhou 253006, China
A cold patching asphalt additive was synthesized from vinyl siloxane, unsaturated fatty acid, alcohol wetting agent and other basic materials. The solvent cold patching asphalt(SCPA) was prepared with the additive as modifier and diesel as diluent under specific process. The formulation of SCPA was determined according to its viscosity and adhesion test results. Based on the design of (SCPAM) and related technical performance test, the improvement effect of the cold patching asphalt additive was evaluated. The results show that the coarse aggregate gradation is suitable for the SCPAM. The temperature stability of SCPA, adhesion of SCPA to aggregate, tensile strength and cohesion of SCPAM increase significantly with the addition of cold patching asphalt additive. The suggested dosage rate for preparing cold patching asphalt is m(asphalt)∶m(diluent)∶m(cold patching asphalt additive)=(73~77)∶(20~24)∶3. The optimum binder content of SCPAM is 47%50% by mass.
Key words:  road engineering  cold patching asphalt additive  adhesion  cohesion