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杨鹏辉1, 梁兴文2, 何伟3, 辛力4
关键词:  钢筋混凝土框架  高性能纤维增强混凝土耗能墙  侧向刚度计算模型  刚度退化规律  结构位移
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005011
Lateral Stiffness Calculation Model of RC Frame HPFRC Energy Dissipation Wall Structure
YANG Penghui1, LIANG Xingwen2, HE Wei3, XIN Li4
1.Architecture Design and Research Institute, Xian University of Architecture & Technology, Xian 710055, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Xian University of Architecture & Technology, Xian 710055, China;3.China Qiyuan Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Xian 710018, China;4.China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Xian 710018, China
The stiffness degradation rules of reinforced concrete(RC) frame and high performance fiber reinforced concrete(HPFRC) energy dissipation wall in RC frame HPFRC energy dissipation wall structure were studied. The lateral stiffness calculation model of RC frame HPFRC energy dissipation wall structure at cracking, yield and peak load points were established. The results show that the stiffness degradation rules of RC frame and HPFRC energy dissipation wall are quite different even at the same characteristic load point, and the stiffness degradation of HPFRC energy dissipation wall is much slower than that of RC frame; the lateral stiffness calculation model based on the stiffness degradation rules of HPFRC energy dissipation wall and RC frame basically reflects the mechanical properties and deformation characteristics of the structure, the calculated values of the lateral displacement of the structure based on the model are basically consistent with the test values.
Key words:  reinforced concrete frame  high performance fiber reinforced concrete energy dissipation wall  lateral stiffness calculation model  stiffness degradation rule  lateral displacement