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杨凯, 杨永, 李欣媛, 赵展鹏, 吴芳
关键词:  碱矿渣胶结材  低温养护  电阻率  水化程度  微观结构
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005001
Hydration Behaviour and Early Microstructure of Alkali Activated Slag Binder at Low Temperature
YANG Kai, YANG Yong, LI Xinyuan, ZHAO Zhanpeng, WU Fang
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
The compressive strength development of NaOH and water glass activated slag mortar cured at 5℃ was studied. Bulk resistivity, selective dissolution, mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP), scanning electron microscopy(SEM) were used to analyze and characterize the low temperature hydration processes and early microstructures of alkali activated slag binder(AAS). The results show that alkali activated slag binder can hydrate at 5℃, while the rates of compressive strength development and hydration are lower than that of samples cured at standard curing condition. Under the same conditions, the compressive strength of mortar activated by water glass is higher, but the bulk resistivity and hydration degree are lower than those activated by NaOH. When samples are cured at 5℃ for 1d, the porosity and macropores increase, while weak hydration product layers and large amounts of unreacted tiny slag particles are found in hardened paste, which leads to a slow growth rate of early strength.
Key words:  alkali activated slag binder(AAS)  low temperature curing  resistivity  hydration degree  microstructure