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孙瑜1, 李立寒2, 黄崇伟1
将生活垃圾焚烧炉渣粉料(BAP)和炉渣集料(BAA)应用于沥青混合料,使用BAP完全替代天然矿粉,使用质量分数为20%、粒径0~95mm的BAA替代天然集料,采用马歇尔试验方法设计AC 13沥青混合料;基于冻融循环劈裂试验来评价炉渣沥青混合料的长期水稳定性,并通过单轴贯入试验探究炉渣沥青混合料的结构强度.结果表明:炉渣的掺入会增加沥青混合料的沥青用量,马歇尔试验结果均满足规范要求;沥青混合料的长期水稳定性按照强弱排序为BAA沥青混合料>BAP沥青混合料>普通沥青混合料,炉渣的掺入可以减小冻融循环对冻融劈裂强度比(TSR)的降低幅度;在冻融循环过程中,炉渣的特性有利于增大沥青混合料的内摩阻角,使炉渣沥青混合料具有更高的结构强度.
关键词:  道路工程  沥青混合料  炉渣  冻融循环  长期水稳定性  单轴贯入试验
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202004034
Fundamental Properties of Asphalt Mixture Containing Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash
SUN Yu1, LI Lihan2, HUANG Chongwei1
1.Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China;2.Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
In order to use municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash powder(BAP) and bottom ash aggregate(BAA) in asphalt mixture, AC 13 asphalt mixtures containing 100%(by mass) BAP or 20%(by mass) BAA with particle size of 095mm were designed by Marshall test method. Based on splitting test after freeze thaw cycles, long term moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture containing BAP or BAA was investigated. Structural strength was analyzed through uniaxial penetration test. The results show that BAP and BAA can make the designed asphalt content increase, and the Marshall test parameters all satisfy the standard demands. The long term moisture susceptibility of BAA asphalt mixture is better than that of BAP asphalt mixture, while the control asphalt mixture is the worst. Furthermore, BAP and BAA also can reduce the decrease of tensile strength ratio(TSR) and increase the shear strength ratio throughout the freeze thaw cycles. The properties of BAP and BAA help enhance the adhesion between them and asphalt, and increase the internal friction angle of the asphalt mixture and result in better structural strength.
Key words:  road engineering  asphalt mixture  bottom ash  freeze thaw cycle  long term moisture susceptibility  uniaxial penetration test