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沈建生1, 柳俊哲1, 毛江鸿2, 金伟良2, 徐亦冬2
关键词:  耐久性  电迁移  劣化阶段  电化学特征
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202004032
Electrochemical Characteristics of Steel Reinforced Concrete at Different Deterioration Stages
SHEN Jiansheng1, LIU Junzhe1, MAO Jianghong2, JIN Weiliang2, XU Yidong2
1.School of Civil Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China;2.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ningbo Tech University, Ningbo 315100, China
In view of the disadvantages of the existing methods of simulating chloride corrosion environment in the concrete durability study, using the electromigration method to accelerate the intrusion of chloride ions, concrete specimens with different durability stages can be simulated and prepared at a faster rate. By analyzing the detection results and deterioration of the surface state of the steel after electromigration instrusion of chloride ions, the effectiveness and accuracy of the electromigration method for preparing specimens with different degradation stages were verified, and the electrochemical characteristics of different durability stages of concrete durability was revealed. The results show that,compared with the method of pre mixed chloride, the electromigration method can simulate the chloride intrusion more effectively in different deterioration stages. When the reinforcement begins to rust, anode polarization curve becomes slower, but cathode polarization curve becomes steeper. With chloride ion erosion, the deterioration degree of reinforcement is increased, the exchange current density of anode is also increased, and then the corrosion potential gradually moves to anode reaction equilibrium potential.
Key words:  durability  electromigration  deterioration stage  electrochemical characteristics