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叶艳霞1, 王宗彬1, 彭琼武1, 张志银2, 刘继磊1
关键词:  轻骨料混凝土  微细钢纤维  力学性能  弯曲韧性  强度公式
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202004031
Static Test of Micro Steel Fiber High Strength Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
YE Yanxia1, WANG Zongbin1, PENG Qiongwu1, ZHANG Zhiyin2, LIU Jilei1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Changan University, Xian 710061, China;2.Xian Benchmark Fangzhong Architectural Design Co., Ltd., Xian 710061, China
The static mechanical properties of micro steel fiber high strength lightweight ceramsite aggregate concrete(MSFHLAC) with different steel fiber volume fractions, sand ratio and water cement ratio were investigated. The test mainly includes cubic compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, shear strength and bending toughness, etc. In addition, various strength models and mutual relations of MSFHLAC were given.The workability of freshly mixed concrete was shown to reduce with the increase of micro steel fiber volume fraction. When the fiber volume fraction is greater than 15%, its fluidity is obviously affected. Micro steel fiber can significantly improve all strength and toughness indexes of HLAC. The tensile and shear strength of materials are improved particularly obviously at low fiber volume fraction(05%,10%).The MSFHLAC has a better elastoplasticity in the whole bending deformation stage, it is close to the ideal elastoplastic materials. The sand ratio and water cement ratio have some influence on the strength and toughness of MSFHLAC,but the variation range is within 10%.
Key words:  lightweight aggregate concrete(LWAC)  micro steel fiber  mechanical property  flexural toughness  strength formula