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雷俊安1, 郑南翔1, 许新权2, 吴传海2, 吕大伟3
关键词:  温拌沥青  高温流变  动态剪切流变  多应力蠕变恢复
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202004024
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51308061);广东省交通运输厅科技项目(科技 2017 01 002)
High Temperature Rheological Properties of Warm Mixed Asphalt
LEI Junan1, ZHENG Nanxiang1, XU Xinquan2, WU Chuanhai2, L Dawei3
1.School of Highway, Changan University, Xian 710064, China;2.Guangdong Hualu Communications Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510420, China;3.Guangdong Road & Bridge Construction Development Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510623, China
In order to investigate the high temperature rheological properties of warm mix asphalt, Evotherm3G and EC120 were added into the matrix and SBS modified asphalt to prepare the samples. Dynamic shear rheological(DSR) test and multi stress creep recovery(MSCR) test were used to evaluate the high temperature rheological properties of warm mix asphalt before and after short term aging. The results show that Evotherm3G increases the phase angle of asphalt, reduces the complex modulus and rutting factor, while EC120 reduces the phase angle of asphalt and increases the complex modulus and rutting factor of modified asphalt.Evotherm3G increases the strain of asphalt, reduces the creep recovery rate of asphalt, and improves the non recoverable creep compliance of asphalt. EC120 reduces the strain of asphalt, improves the creep recovery rate of asphalt and reduces the non recoverable creep compliance of asphalt. Through grey correlation analysis, the grey correlation degree between non recoverable creep compliance and rutting factor is 0995, which can reflect the high temperature performance of asphalt to a certain degree.
Key words:  warm mix asphalt  high temperature rheology  dynamic shear rheological(DSR)  multi stress creep recovery(MSCR)