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韩宇栋1, 刘畅2, 王振波2, 左建平2, 洪紫杰2
关键词:  延性水泥基材料  干湿循环  硫酸盐  轴压
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202004016
Uniaxial Compressive Behavior of ECC under Sulfate Erosion in Drying Wetting Cycles
HAN Yudong1, LIU Chang2, WANG Zhenbo2, ZUO Jianping2, HONG Zijie2
1.China Jingye Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 100088, China;2.School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and TechnologyBeijing, Beijing 100083, China
Focusing the sulfate attack problem of engineered cementitious composites(ECC) under drying wetting cycles, uniaxial compression test on small cylindrical specimens after different erosion cycles were carried out. And the uniaxial compressive behavior of eroded ECC was investigated from the perspective of multiple mechanical indexes such as compressive stress strain curve, compressive strength, peak strain, elastic modulus and Poissons ratio. The results show that the peak axial strain of material increases gradually in the early stage of erosion, and it decreases slightly in the later stage of erosion, while the radial strain decreases first and then increases. Sulfate erosion in drying wetting cycle has no effect on the initial linear segment of the ECC compressive stress strain curve, but has a significant impact on the nonlinear ascending and stress falling segment. With the extension of erosion cycle, the compressive strength of ECC experiences an obvious increase, while that of the matrix stays almost unchanged. In the period of stress decline, the characteristic of stress drop of ECC is obviously different from that of ECC without erosion. In the cycles range of this study, the degradation of ECC elastic modulus and Poissons ratio by sulfate erosion is not observed.
Key words:  ductile cementitious material  drying wetting cycle  sulfate  uniaxial compression