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梁敏飞1, 封坤1, 肖明清2, 郭文琦1, 周坤2
关键词:  混凝土  抗渗性  三维细观模型  界面区  抗渗高度法试验
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202004010
Water Permeability of Concrete Based on Materials Experiment and Mesoscale Model
LIANG Minfei1, FENG Kun1, XIAO Mingqing2, GUO Wenqi1, ZHOU Kun2
1.Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering, Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China;2.China Railway Fourth Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430063, China
Based on materials experiment and mesoscale model, a three dimensional three phase mesoscale model of concrete was established, in which the spherical and ellipsoidal particles are adopted to simulate the aggregates and thin shells simulate the interfacial transition zone, water permeability of concrete was investigated. The results show that the mesoscale model of concrete can better reflect the local characteristics and overall pattern of water permeability of concrete, and illustrate the tortuous effect, dilutional effect and interfacial effect caused by the random aggregates; With the volume fraction of aggregates increases, these effects are simultaneously amplified, so the influence of aggregate on the water permeability of concrete should take these effects into consideration. Suppose that the shape and volume fraction of aggregates and the parameters of ITZ are constant, the permeability coefficient of concrete is proportional to the permeability coefficient of mortar. The boundary effect caused by insufficient side waterproof makes the experimental errors larger. The boundary waterproof layer should be determined according to the dimension error of the specimen mould and the value of water pressure.
Key words:  concrete  impermeability  3D mesoscale model  interfacial transition zone(ITZ)  anti permeation experiment of permeating height