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罗浩原, 欧阳铖霏, 徐加秋, 郑鹏飞, 阳恩慧
关键词:  道路工程  SBS改性沥青  温拌沥青  黏度  施工温度  剪切速率
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2020.03.034
A New Method to Measure Viscosity of SBS ModifiedAsphalt — Rotational Plate Viscosity Test
LUO Haoyuan, OUYANG Chengfei, XU Jiaqiu, ZHENG Pengfei, YANG Enhui
School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
The construction temperature of the warm SBS modified asphalt is too high to use Brookfield viscosity test(BV) method. Therefore, rotational plate viscosity test(RPV) method with fixed shear rate was proposed to solve the problem. The two methods were used to determine the mixing and compaction temperature of SBS modified asphalt after adding three kinds of warming agents, which would guide the preparation of Marshall mixture test piece and the void ratio test. The results are as follows: RPV method can avoid the shear thinning effect effectively, which causes the construction temperature of SBS modified asphalt predicted by BV method was higher than the standard in China. Under the guidance of the construction temperature obtained by RPV method, volume design index of the mixture satisfies the standard very well and the cooling and energy saving performance of the warming agent is fully utilized. In addition, RPV method eliminates the trivial steps in BV method, where the speed and rotor need to constantly change to meet the test range. In the same time, the test efficiency of RPV method is about four times that of BV method, and the coefficient of variation is smaller. As for the viscosity temperature performance test of 70# asphalt, the results from RPV method are no significantly difference as BV method(significance level α=0.05). RPV is expected to become a more efficient and accurate method in asphalt apparent viscosity measuring(especially SBS modified asphalt) and widely used in scientific research and engineering.
Key words:  road engineering  SBS modified asphalt  warm mix asphalt  viscosity  construction temperature  shear rate
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