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张文生, 刘潭, 任雪红
采用X射线衍射结合Rietveld方法和扫描电镜,表征了14种硅质原料的结晶特性,并研究了不同类型硅质原料对熟料矿物相组成及微观结构的影响.结果表明:随着硅质原料中简单结构硅酸盐矿物的减少、石英含量的增加和石英晶粒尺寸的增大,烧成的熟料中硅酸三钙(C3S)含量下降,游离氧化钙(f CaO)含量增加;硅质原料中伴生微量组分K2O及MgO等较外掺组分对熟料烧成的影响更显著,伴生的K2O降低了熟料中C3S含量,增大了其晶粒尺寸,而伴生的MgO能起到明显助熔作用,促进了熟料中阿利特的形成.
关键词:  硅质原料  结晶特性  伴生微量组分  熟料烧成
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2020.03.019
Effects of Siliceous Raw Materials on Clinker Formation
ZHANG Wensheng, LIU Tan, REN Xuehong
The State Key Laboratory of Green Building Materials, China Building Materials Academy Co., Ltd., Beijing 100024, China
The mineralogical characteristics of 14 kinds of siliceous raw materials from different regions of China were analyzed by X ray powder diffraction combined with the Rietveld method and scanning electron microscopy. The effects of different kinds siliceous raw materials on the mineral composition and microstructure of clinker were studied. Results show that the content of C3S is decreased and the f CaO content is increased in the clinker resulting from the decrease of simple silicate minerals in the siliceous raw materials, while the quartz content and its crystal size decrease. The minor elements which are associated with the siliceous raw materials have more remarkable effects on the clinker formation than the added ones. K2O can cause decrease of C3S content and increase of its crystal size. For the siliceous raw materials with high silica, the associated MgO in the form of magnesium silicate can better promote the formation of alite.
Key words:  siliceous raw material  mineralogical characteristic  associated trace component  clinker formation