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张磊, 张静, 张颖, 荣辉, 刘志华
以动物蛋白和微生物蛋白类发泡剂为基础发泡剂,分别与十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTMAB)复掺来制备生物基发泡剂,探究CTMAB掺量对生物基发泡剂泡沫性能的影响,并在此基础上研究2种生物基发泡剂对泡沫混凝土宏观性能和微观结构的影响.结果表明:掺加适量CTMAB有利于提高泡沫性能,动物蛋白发泡剂(A型)和微生物发泡剂(M型)中CTMAB的最佳掺量分别为0.7%和0.5%;M型发泡剂制得的泡沫孔径分布均匀且尺寸较小,稳定性优于A型;M型泡沫混凝土的孔径分布均匀且尺寸较小,水化生成C S H的钙硅比较低,水化产物结构致密,其抗压强度(3.3MPa)高于A型泡沫混凝土(2.1MPa).
关键词:  动物蛋白发泡剂  微生物发泡剂  泡沫特征  泡沫混凝土
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2020.03.015
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51978439,51708390);天津市交通运输科技发展计划资助项目(2018 38);中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2019M651000);天津市轨道交通重大专项项目(18ZXGDGX00050)
Foam Characteristics of Biological Based Foaming Agent andIts Effect on Properties of Foam Concrete
ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Jing, ZHANG Ying, RONG Hui, LIU Zhihua
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China
Based on animal protein and microbiological protein foaming agents, the biological foaming agent was prepared by mixed with cetrimonium bromide(CTMAB). The effect of CTMAB content on the foam properties of biological foaming agent was investigated. Based on these work above, the effects of two kinds of biological foaming agents on the macro properties and microstructure of foam concrete were studied. The results show that the optimum content of CTMAB for animal protein based foaming agent(A type) and microbial based foaming agent(M type) are 0.7% and 0.5% respectively. The foam diameter distribution from M type foaming agent is uniform and the size is small, which leads to better stability of M type foaming agent than that of A type foaming agent. The pore size distribution in the M type foam concrete is uniform and the size is small, the calcium to silicon ratio of the hydration generated C S H is relatively small, and the hydration product is compact. Therefore, the compressive strength(3.3MPa) is higher than that of the A type foam concrete(2.1MPa).
Key words:  animal protein foaming agent  microbial foaming agent  foam characteristic  foam concrete