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刘琳1, 张敏慧2
关键词:  消泡剂  消泡机理  吸附动力学  水性丙烯酸胶黏剂
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002022
Study on Defoaming Mechanism of Defoamer in Waterborne Acrylic Adhesive
LIU Lin1, ZHANG Minhui2
1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
The most suitable defoamer for water based acrylic adhesive was chosen by analyzing the property of organic and molecular defoamer in the foaming solution and waterborne acrylic emulsion. Adding process and test methods of the antifoaming performance and defoaming mechanism were investigated. The results show that the compatibility of the defoamer is inversely proportional to the defoaming ability. Dynamic adsorption of 02% defoamer in foaming solution is diffusion controlled in short time. Molecular level defoamers are suitable for “bridging stretching” mechanism while organic defoamers are suitable for both “bridging stretching” and “bridging dewetting” mechanisms. The addition of defoamer has no notable effect on the viscosity, particle size and storage stability of waterborne acrylic adhesive emulsion.
Key words:  defoamer  defoaming mechanism  adsorption kinetics  waterborne acrylic adhesive